Thursday, July 26, 2012

What People are Saying About the Work of FreeCWC

Shirley Taylor receives emails from Christians who read her thrice-weekly blog posts and encourage her to keep speaking out. They say they are not yet ready to speak out for themselves but are so happy that Shirley is speaking out for them in the cause of freedom for Chrisitian women.

Cindy Kunsman was told that many eyes were opened by her expert presentation in Montreal and encouraged to continue in her advocacy for victims of the spiritual and physical abuses inherent in the paradigms of patriarchy and complementarianism.

FreeCWC received this email from one of our subscribers: The patriarchs, who still call themselves "pro-life" and "pro-family", know their way of life is over when they see the first African American President or the first woman to have a realistic chance of becoming Vice President. I am not concerned with what ticket anyone may have voted for. That is irrelevant to this discussion; it is that they who still hold to segregation, racial and/or gender, have to know that they can join us or not, but it will never be the same again. They will never be the same again! "Pro-life", and "pro-family" are good things, things we should all support, and it was not my intention to paint with too broad a brush; however, the day is coming when patriarchy will no longer be able to hide under a good name, not even "complementarian". This is not the time to be complacent. We must continue to support Biblical equality. We are to spread the Blessing (Galatians 3: 29), and destroy, not perpetuate, the Curse! This is so exciting! Thank you for being such a vital part of what God is doing!